Though among the most popular gambling games today, bingo has a very modest beginning. Here is a summary of bingo history.
There are traces that the game first started in Italy in 1530 but the evolved form of the game close to modern bingo as it is known today really started in the year 1929. According to bingo history it was a favorite past time among itinerant carnival performers in Europe that time. Once it was called Lotto in Germany.
After a stressful and strenuous performance bingo history says these carnival artists gathered together backstage and enjoyed a game similar to a minimized lottery - where only the few people at hand participated. They had numbers on pieces of paper each player held and numbers were called out. Bingo history notes that the numbers on the card were marked out by placing a bean on them.
Then people around noticed the simple but exciting game. At first they watched, standing around while the performers relaxed playing the game. Then the townsfolk took the idea to their homes. According to bingo history this happened everywhere the carnival caravan went. Soon, bingo history marvels, the game was being played everywhere.
Because beans were used to mark out on the cards the called numbers the game was fondly called Beano. Early bingo history referred to it as a bean game. But then beans probably became too costly to use in games so that pebbles were gradually used instead. Then later, as the game developed, it evolved into the bingo we know today and is making more exciting pages in bingo history, especially when it became available online.
The evolution of bingo happened this way. According to this bingo history version a salesman named Edwin Lowe stumbled upon it somewhere near Jacksonville. Intrigued, he studied its details and brought it home and introduced new variations. He also introduced the concept of winning big money out of it - originally winners just took home teddy bears and rug dolls. This was a major change in bingo history.
While Lowe's friends were playing with him a lady shouted her win in excitement and cried "Bingo!" instead of Beano. Bingo history has been calling it thus since. Later, other bingo winning patterns were introduced instead of merely the original vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines.
Bingo history started with simple folks who got relief from stress out of the game. Modern bingo history notes it continues to give the same to its players.